
Open Door Policy

Our Team recognizes that  open communication with all members within an atmosphere of mutual trust is of prime importance. We seek constructive opinions, suggestions, and feedback with all team members so that issues of concern can be constructively resolved.

Please be comfortable in directing your concerns to any member of our Leadership team. It would be inappropriate to retaliate against anyone who brings a good faith concern to the Leadership team.

Anti Discrimination and Harassment

It is the goal to promote an environment that is free from harassing or discriminatory activity. We will not tolerate any form of harassment or discrimination based on race, religion, color, sex, age. gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, martial status, creed, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical conditions, military, veteran, family, or domestic violence victim status or predisposing genetic characteristics or information. Sexual harassment is defined as an unwelcome sexual advance, requests for sexual favors and  any other verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature. This includes harassment by and  between individuals of the same  or opposite sex and includes the following:

  • Unwanted physical contact of any kind, including sexual flirtations, touching, advances or propositions.
  • Verbal harassment of a sexual nature, such as lewd comments, sexual jokes or references, offensive personal behavior.
  • Demeaning, insulting, intimidating or sexually suggestive comments about an individual or the display of suggestive objects, pictures and photos or any written, recorded or electronically transmitted messages.
  • Anyone who believes that they have been the harassed should report it to the Leadership team immediately.

What is the meaning of diversity and inclusion?

The difference between diversity, inclusion and belonging is that diversity is the representation of different people in an organization, inclusion is ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute to and influence every part and level of a workplace, and belonging is ensuring that everyone feels safe …

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

LGBTQ Lesbian, Gay, Bi Sexual, Transgender and Questioning

Understanding the appropriate terminology is essential to understanding LGBTQ individuals. Sexual orientation, sexual behavior, gender identity, and gender role are different concepts. Sexual orientation is the affectional or loving attraction to another person. Heterosexuality is the attraction to persons of the opposite sex; homosexuality, to persons of the same sex; and bisexuality, to both sexes. Sexual orientation can be considered as ranging along a continuum from same-sex attraction only at one end of the continuum to opposite-sex attraction only at the other end. Sexual behavior, or sexual activity, differs from sexual orientation and alone does not define someone as an LGBTQ individual. Sexual identity is the personal and unique way that a person perceives his or her own sexual desires and sexual expressions. 

  • Biological sex is the biological distinction between men and women. Gender is the concept of maleness and masculinity or femaleness and femininity. Gender identity is the sense of self as male or female and does not refer to one’s sexual orientation or gender role. Gender role describes the behaviors that are viewed as masculine or feminine by a particular culture. Transgender individuals are those who conform to the gender role expectations of the opposite sex or those who may clearly identify their gender as the opposite of their biological sex. In common usage, transgender usually refers to people in the transsexual group that may include people who are contemplating or preparing for sexual reassignment. A transgender person may be sexually attracted to males, females, or both. 

Standards of Conduct

Treat all team members in a courteous manner.

Refrain from behavior or conduct that is offensive, hurtful  or undesirable.

Maintain cleanliness and proper attire.

Reporting to Patrol under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or illegal drugs, or using, selling, dispensing or possessing illegal drugs is not permitted.

Be on time when reporting in and compliant with the rules.

Workplace Violence

Any form of violence is prohibited such as making threatening remarks, aggressive or hostile acts such a as shouting, using profanity, throwing objects at someone or damaging another property.